The hardest part when entering photographic competitions is deciding which photos to enter, you never know who the judges will be, what style of photography appeals to them and after entering always regret using certain photos thinking I should have entered a different one.

There is one competition run world wide for the nature conservancy. I am able to enter as many photos as I like which makes it so much easier and the subject covers such a vast range of any details of nature, last year I had two in the finals out of over 320 000 entries, that was such an honor to be in the finals, even greater having two chosen for it.

I didn’t win of course but what an ego boost to reach the finals in amongst all those wonderful photos entered. I of course stick to entering my macro shots as I love the minute detail that I cant see with my bare eye which is why I spend most of my photo taking time studying the miniature side of life. In this competition this year which is still running I now have two in the judges favorites, heres hoping they will also get into the finals

Our local Tasmanian newspaper has been running a photographic competition for summer autumn winter and spring across Tasmania , for the spring one I of course entered all my macro shots of flowers and insects. I had five in the finals of the spring competition and won first prize with my geranium flower and October early morning dew droplets.

Its great to have a competition running locally showing off our local wildlife, insects, plants and scenery across Tasmania

I’m always looking for new competitions to enter and came across the heritage bank competition last year, its held in Queensland and finalists photos are dislplayed in an art gallery. I entered a few photos and two were chosen for the finals, what an honour that was to have my photos displayed.

They were of course two of my macro shots. Ive tried to go by what photos have been chosen for the finals to give me an idea of what to enter in the next competition but of course you are dealing with different judges and different subjects. Its very hard trying to outdo a photo that was in last years finals

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